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AUGUST 27, 2020 BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA Health profession regulatory framework
“Minister of Health Adrian Dix announced recommendations for the modernization of provincial health profession regulation. This included plans for the amalgamation of four health professions into a single, multi-profession regulatory body, tentatively referred to as the Regulatory College of Complementary and Alternative Health and Care Professionals. The health professions comprising this new regulator are chiropractors, massage therapists, naturopathic physicians, and traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture practitioners.” B.C. to overhaul 20 health regulators into six big colleges “The B.C. government intends to amalgamate the province’s 20 health profession regulators into six large regulatory colleges that will be directed by a new oversight body. ‘This big-box style of self-regulatory colleges is new in Canada,’ said Health Minister Adrian Dix Thursday. ‘If you look across Canada in terms of regulating health professionals, it will put B.C. on the cutting edge,’ said Dix. There will be a college for: alternative health professionals; allied health professionals; pharmacists; nursing professionals; physicians and surgeons; and oral health professionals.” MARCH 20, 2020 NEW JERSEY USA ASSEMBLY REGULATED PROFESSIONS COMMITTEE
“The Assembly Regulated Professions Committee reports favorably Assembly Bill No. 1194. This bill requires the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners to issue a temporary travel license to any person who has been examined and licensed to practice chiropractic by the examining and licensing board of another state or jurisdiction of the United States having requirements for examination and licensure substantially equivalent to those required under section 8 of P.L.1953, c.233 (C.45:9-41.5).” SEPTEMBER 8, 2020 WASHINGTON, DC USA Lamb introduces legislation to expand vets’ mental health care
"As federal officials contend with persistently high veteran suicide rates, Rep. Conor Lamb, D-Mt. Lebanon, has introduced three bipartisan bills to expand the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ mental health care research, treatments and suicide prevention efforts. "Mr. Lamb, who serves as vice chair of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, has proposed requiring the VA to establish a two-year program that widens the treatment options for post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. That bill, called the TREAT Act, would mandate a VA study on providing integrative health services such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, chiropractic care and other treatments that help with mental or physical health conditions." AUGUST 7, 2020 FLORIDA USA Florida Board of Chiropractic Medicine Notice of Emergency Rule - Continuing Education
“Since the issuance of the Executive Orders and declaration of a public health emergency by the Governor and the State Health Officer, the Board has determined that online technologies, including video streaming/videoconferencing, can provide a level of quality which, due to the ongoing public health emergency, could be used as an alternative method of delivery of CE courses and virtual meeting participation, and which would satisfy the purpose and intent of the statute and promulgated rules, without exposure to the dangers of being in large groups of people, necessity of travel itself, potential contribution to the spread of the virus, and most importantly, would ensure compliance with the State Health Officer’s Orders…” MAY 12, 2020 OKLAHOMA USA Oklahoma bill would add chiropractic care to comp
“The bill would amend the state’s Administrative Workers Compensation Act to add chiropractic services to the list of allowable medical treatment under the state’s fee schedule and authorize licensed chiropractors to the list of other medical providers authorized to treat injured workers. Like physicians, under the legislation the employer would have the right to choose the treating chiropractor.” JULY 2, 2020 COLORADO USA Guest Commentary: Polis should sign bill to mandate insurance coverage of pain management care
“But a potential bright spot in this challenging time is House Bill 1085, which would make treatments like physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic care and acupuncture more affordable in an effort to stop opioid addiction. The proposal requires insurers to cover at least six alternative therapy visits at a cost-sharing amount not to exceed the regular amount charged for a primary care visit.” MARCH 10, 2020 SOUTH DAKOTA USA "Several bills have crossed the finish line of the 2020 South Dakota Legislative Session with governor's signature
“High school dropouts can now practice chiropractic, pharmacy, optometry, or become a registered nurse, funeral service director or serve on the state cosmetology commission under a bill signed by Noem on Feb. 19. In order to do so in each respective profession, a person must still meet the education, training, minimum age requirements and other criteria before becoming eligible to be licensed to work in such field and positions.” SEPTEMBER 09, 2020 NEW BRUNSWICK CANADA NDP needs to solidify position as party of left, says interim party leader
“Party wants expansion of medicare services to include dental, optical, chiropractic care” AUGUST 6, 2020 OHIO USA "Ohio Chiropractors Ask Court to Block Limits on Contacting Injured Motorists
“A group of chiropractors and a patient-referral service argued before the Sixth Circuit on Thursday that Ohio’s restrictions on contacting people involved in car accidents are unconstitutional infringements on commercial speech." MARCH 3, 2020 WASHINGTON STATE USA Bills that passed in the House on Tuesday
“The amended bill that passed the House on Tuesday expands the prior authorization ban to also include any initial evaluation and management visits, as well as up to six treatments for chiropractic, physical therapy, occupational therapy, acupuncture and Eastern medicine, massage therapy or speech and hearing therapy services. A medical necessity requirement, previously needed for these types of visits, is eliminated, and can no longer be a reason to deny coverage of those services. Similarly, payment for those types of care can’t be retroactively denied or refused after services are rendered.” ARCHIVES
JULY 28, 2019 WASHINGTON STATE RCW 18.25.190 Amendment adopted regarding the practice of chiropractic by senior students in a chiropractic program practicing under the supervision of approved chiropractor.
2019 NEW JERSEY Requires certain health care practitioners to disclose criminal and disciplinary history to patients. Includes podiatrists, dentists, medical doctors, chiropractors
JUNE 2019 WEST VIRGINIA Relating to the use of post-criminal conduct in professional and occupational initial licensure decision making - creating a rational nexus requirement between prior criminal conduct and initial licensure decision making; providing criteria for boards and licensing authorities to determine whether a criminal conviction has a rational nexus to an occupation; removing offenses described as one of moral turpitude as a basis for license denial unless the underlying crime bears a rational nexus to the occupation requiring licensure, certification or registration; limiting licensure disqualification; authorizing persons to petition licensure boards for a determination as to whether a person’s criminal record precludes licensure
Waives initial occupational licensing fees for military and low income families (adjusted gross income below 130% of the federal poverty line)
JUNE 2019 OHIO Local lawmakers propose more protections for sexual assault victims of doctor
A group of Franklin County lawmakers wants to increase protections for sexual assault victims in Ohio. [...]
The legislation comes in wake of the conviction of Ryan Smith, a former Clintonville chiropractor. Smith faced allegations of sexual assault from 43 of his former patients. The statute of limitations had run out on several of the accusations, so he faced charges relating to 22 of the women, ranging between 14 and 74 years old. Smith pleaded no contest in January to 66 counts of sexual imposition and was sentenced to 180 days in jail, to be served over 60 consecutive weekends, plus five years of probation. PROPOSED HB 279 to eliminate the spousal exceptions for certain sex offenses, to permit a person to testify against the person's spouse in a prosecution for any of those offenses, to eliminate the period of limitation for the criminal prosecution of a person for rape and for a civil action brought by a victim of conduct that would constitute rape.
PROPOSED HB 290 to prohibit unlawful sexual contact between health care professionals and patients and to revoke professional licenses for criminal misconduct.
SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 ARIZONA With sweeping new law, Arizona aims to reset national standards for license portability
…the Arizona legislature and governor will make moving to Arizona a much easier process for licensed professionals who want to work there. The new law, taking effect September 1 [2019], is the first of its kind in the nation. It is simple in concept but sweeping in effect.
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