What actually are ‘essential services’ and who decides? “The Morrison government keeps using the word “essential” to describe employees, public gatherings, services and businesses that are still allowed and not restricted as it tries to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. But what is essential, and who gets to decide?” AUGUST 4, 2020 CATO INSTITUTE
Health Care Workforce Reform: COVID-19 Spotlights Need for Changes to Clinician Licensing “The COVID-19 pandemic has made clear that government licensing of health professionals blocks access to care…By suspending such rules to improve access to care for COVID-19 patients, states have acknowledged that licensing prevents clinicians from providing services they are competent to provide.” APRIL 17, 2020 KENTUCKY USA
How did KY chiropractors end up in middle of debate about reopening during pandemic? …”Kentucky is the only state so far to mandate the closure of chiropractic offices during COVID-19, Annette Bernat, a spokeswoman for the American Chiropractic Association in Arlington, Va., said Friday.” MAY 15, 2020 ONTARIO CANADA
Canada: Chiropractors And COVID-19 – Advertising Complaints Are On The Rise …” True to its word, the CCO has taken action against chiropractors who have inappropriately advertised their services as being able to manage or treat COVID-19. Since March 2, 2020 the CCO has sent 74 cease and desist letters concerning such advertising.” JULY 24, 2020 LONDON UK
Places where you DON'T need to wear a mask in England “Wearing a face covering is not mandatory in other venues that have measures in place to protect staff and the public from COVID-19. These include the following - though some may obviously choose to ask you to wear a mask anyway:
Excerpt from article on using technology in health care regulation "Meanwhile, the state Department of Health has increased its use of technology to regulate health providers. Since COVID-19, state boards that regulate physicians, pharmacists, nurses, chiropractors and other health-care professionals have held 69 telephonic or video meetings, according to a department spokesman. Board of Osteopathic Medicine Chairman Joel Rose, like Pelletier, sees some advantages to the virtual work approach." July 29, 2020 FLORIDA USA
Florida Chiropractor Spent Virus Aid on Netflix, Gym, DOJ Says “A Florida chiropractor allegedly paid for Netflix, a gym membership, and other personal expenses with the more than $200,000 in small business loans he received from federal Covid-19 funding, the Justice Department said.” MARCH 31, 2020 MASSACHUSETTS USA
Mass. reports 33 new coronavirus-related deaths, 868 new cases "Non-essential businesses must stay shuttered and Massachusetts residents should stay at home until at least May 4, Governor Charlie Baker announced Tuesday, as the state’s death toll from the coronavirus pandemic surged to 89…’People should be staying at home,’ he said, adding that an updated list of essential businesses includes chiropractors, optometrists." SEPTEMBER 3, 2020 USA TODAY
'We’re not your slaves': Alternative health providers bristle at warning letters about their coronavirus treatments “Its members are angry at government warning letters that many perceive as an infringement on their right to free speech, free trade and people's control over their health care – and some are ready to fight back.” |
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Alabama chiropractor arrested for violating coronavirus order; lawyer says case ‘unconstitutional’ “A small-town Alabama chiropractor and gym owner was arrested on a charge of violating the statewide coronavirus health order. Dr. Aric Butler, owner of Doc’s Gym and Family Chiropractic in Rogersville, is accused of opening his gym to the public in violation of Alabama’s Safer-At-Home order, according to court records.” APRIL 17, 2020 TEXAS USA
U.S. Attorney’s Office Files Restraining Order Against Chiropractor Promoting ‘Sham COVID-19 Treatment’ “The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Northern District of Texas has obtained a temporary restraining order preventing a DFW chiropractor from touting sham treatments for COVID-19, according to U.S. Attorney Erin Nealy Cox. A civil complaint filed Thursday shows, Dr. Ray L. Nannis, the 48-year-old proprietor of Richardson-based Optimum Wellness Solutions, advertised his homeopathic sublinguals as both a ‘C-19 vaccine’ and a ‘treatment, reducing severity and duration of symptoms, should you test positive.’” MAY 14, 2020 | UPDATED: JULY 7, 2020 NEW YORK USA
NYCC students left wondering when licensing exam can be completed in New York “The senior class set to graduate this summer at New York Chiropractic College was dealt a major blow on Wednesday, May 6th when student representatives learned that the college in Seneca Falls would not host a mandatory, required practical exam. The NBCE, or National Board of Chiropractic Examiners hosts exams at different sites across the state and U.S. It is one of several parts, which includes a written examination. That portion wasn’t impacted by the Novel Coronavirus, but the practical portion – at least at the Seneca Falls site – was scrapped.” JUNE 12, 2020 NEW YORK USA NYCC gets supervisors support to reopen in July …”NYCC flipped the coursework calendar upside down, which means that lab work and hands-on work that typically would have occurred in spring, will need to take place in the fall. Otherwise, students will fall completely out of sync with the graduation path.” JULY 15, 2020 SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA
Maskless Starbucks ‘Karen’ wants half of $100K raised for barista who wouldn’t serve her “Gilles brought two documents to the outlet to prove her exemption [from wearing a mask]. One document was a pelvic exam from 2015, reporting a “probable exophytic fibroid” … “A second was a handwritten note on letterhead from a local chiropractor, reading, ‘Amber has underlying breath conditions that prevent her from wearing a mask or any type of facial covering whatsoever. Please contact me if [sic] have any questions.’” MARCH 20, 2020 FLORIDA USA
Managing the Commercial Impact of Coronavirus: Emergency Order Relaxes Florida Licensure, Telehealth, and Practice Standards to Combat COVID-19 “Effective as of March 10, 2020, for 30 days (unless extended), the Order relaxes certain licensure and practice standards requirements for health care professionals providing care to Floridians in connection with preparing for, responding to, and mitigating the effects of COVID-19.” … “professionals holding valid unrestricted licenses in states outside of Florida may provide care to patients located in Florida without first becoming licensed in Florida.” AUGUST 14, 2020 UTAH USA
Local chiropractor facing sex abuse charges will be released after spending year in jail awaiting trial SUMMARY: Criminal case forwarded by regulatory board has been delayed due to the pandemic. His license has been suspended awaiting the outcome of the trial. His attorney “went on to say that his client would be electronically monitored upon his release and has a clean criminal record prior to the current charges. He added that Noorda’s trial is still months away due to court delays resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, which he said Noorda played no part in and for which he should not be penalized.” --
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